JAKARTA- The cyberspace was recently shocked by the alleged wrong collection practice carried out by debt collectors. The information was revealed by Twitter user @cphgnin.
In a tweet quoted earlier this week, he revealed that he had been billed by the bailiff on the grounds of in arrears in motorcycle installments. In fact, @cphgnin feels that he does not have the installments as allegedly because the vehicle was purchased in cash or cash.
Not only once, the netizen admitted that he had experienced the same thing three times. It was told that when the incident happened, the person could not show official documents. Even so when asked to go to the police station together, the perpetrator only dodged and finally left.
It turned out that @cphgnin's upload received various comments. Not a few netizens shared the same thing. This case then escalated to the performance of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) which should be able to provide professional guarantees to financial industry players.
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Meanwhile, OJK itself has issued five document provisions that must be brought by the billing interpreter. First the identity card. Second, a collection professional certificate registered with the OJK. Third, a letter of assignment from the company. Fourth, proof of a default debtor. And the fifth is a copy of a fiduciary certificate.
The authorities have even issued strict regulations for debt collectors and finance companies that are proven to violate.
"Sanctions are in the form of warnings, freezing business activities, and revocation of business licenses," wrote the OJK on its official website.
Furthermore, debt collectors are also prohibited from using verbal threats and acts of violence in carrying out their duties.
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