
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) of Central Kalimantan Province anticipates crimes in the financial services sector targeting people with disabilities.

Head of OJK Central Kalimantan Otto Fitriandy in Palangka Raya, Thursday, June 29, said people with disabilities are vulnerable to crime in the financial services sector due to their limitations.

"So by making people with disabilities a priority target to increase financial literacy and inclusion, OJK and the government can pay more attention, and prevent crimes in the financial services sector among people with disabilities," he said, as reported by Antara.

OJK sets a priority target for financial literacy in 2023 for people with disabilities and three other segments, namely the 3T community (frontier, outermost and underdeveloped), micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as students and students.

Otto explained that physical, mental, intellectual, and sensory limitations in society make people with disabilities encounter obstacles that make it difficult to fully and effectively participate based on the similarity of rights to society in general.

"This rights gap is a special concern for OJK and the government has set people with disabilities to be targeted for financial literacy and inclusion," he said.

In addition, people with disabilities are groups that are vulnerable to crime in the financial services sector due to a lack of interaction and participation in the community, due to their limitations and a low literacy index.

By making persons with disabilities a target of financial literacy and inclusion, it is hoped that they can expand access to finance for each level of society and provide access to finance, as well as financial literacy that can help people with disabilities to be more prosperous and pay attention to equal rights of disability in society.

In the 2021-2025 Indonesian Financial Literacy and Inclusion Strategy (SNLKI), a priority target for increasing financial literacy and inclusion has been prepared every year.

All of these targets represent every segment of Indonesian society, so that the increase in financial literacy and inclusion is evenly distributed in every level of society, including people with disabilities.

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