JAKARTA - EVP Marketing and Lifestyle Business Division Head of Bank OCBC NISP Amir Widjaya said OCBC NISP always applies the principle of prudence in disbursing credit to keep the level of default or Non-performing Loan (NPL) low.
"We only provide loans, including credit cards to people who have a responsibility," Amir said at a press conference for the launch of the NYALA Credit Card and NYALA Debit Global in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 21.
Amir explained, Bank OCBC NISP has also prepared a number of programs to raise public awareness so that they can maintain financial health.
Bank OCBC NISP, among others, held financial fitness educational activities containing various financial classes, ranging from how to manage finances to investments.
"We want to have an active role in financial literacy. Our educational efforts are quite serious," explained Amir.
In the first quarter of 2023, Bank OCBC NISP recorded total loans distributed grew 11.6 percent on an annual basis or year on year (yoy) from IDR 123.3 trillion to IDR 137.6 trillion.
اقرأ أيضا:
Bank OCBC NISP's credit disbursement is always accompanied by maintained quality as reflected in NPL which is at the level of 2.4 percent.
Bank OCBC NISP also consistently runs a sustainable business by channeling sustainable financing in the form of environmentally and gender-based credit.
As of March 31, 2023, Bank OCBC NISP recorded credit disbursement through the #TAYTB Women Warriors program increasing 9.6 percent on an annual basis, while the number of women's entrepreneurs financed also grew 12.5 percent on an annual basis.
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