
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Construction is seeking an increase in wages for domestic construction workforce training (TKK).

"The Directorate General (Ditjen) of Construction Development is preparing a letter concept to the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) accompanied by academic texts regarding the proposed Standard for Input and Other Costs (SBML)," said Director General (Dirjen) of Construction Development Rachman Arief Dienaputra in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission V DPR RI in Jakarta, on Tuesday, June 20.

Rachman said that currently, the daily TKK money that participates in certification training is still following the Input Fee Standard (SBM) set by the Ministry of Finance based on PMK Number 83 of 2022, which is IDR 85,000-IDR 120,000 per day.

Based on the results of data compilation sourced from the Self Estimated Price (HPS) and Regional Regulations (Perda) in 34 provinces, the average daily wage for construction workers in Indonesia is IDR 173,652.

The highest wage is Rp271,864 in Papua Province and the lowest wage is Rp114,863 in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Province. Meanwhile, as many as 6,552 regular TKK people are targeted to be able to attend training and certification in 2023.

Furthermore, said Rachman, until June 16, 2023, the realization of regular TKK training and certification has reached 1,538 people. Meanwhile, specifically at IKN, 2,739 TKK have been realized who have participated in the training and certification of the target of 8,500 people.

"Next year (the overall target) is 44,000 people, but we have not detailed it per region," he said.

Regarding the possibility of increasing the number of TKK for training and certification, Rachman said it depends on the needs in the field. "If possible, more, if sufficient, yes, we will fulfill it," he concluded.

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