
JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) will launch the IDX Mobile application on July 13, 2023. This is because the application will increase capital market literacy.

The OJK National Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey (SNLIK) in 2022 recorded financial literacy based on the financial services sector in the capital market reaching 4.11 percent, while the capital market inclusion rate was higher at 5.19 percent.

Director of Trade and Regulation of Share Members of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) Irvan Susandy said, with the increasing number of investors, his party is trying to provide facilities and convenience for investors.

"Especially retail investors, throughout Indonesia, to be able to access data and information provided by the IDX," said Irvan quoting Antara, Thursday, June 15.

The higher level of capital market inclusion compared to its literacy level, worries retail investors from investing without being provided with sufficient information and knowledge.

The IDX Mobile application, which can be downloaded by the public with Android phones, also has various features that provide information related to the capital market, such as capital market information, running trade and investor chart.

"This includes features that we call virtual trading. We provide that investors, especially retail investors, can conduct exercises or simulations of buying and selling shares on the IDX," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Data Service Division of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) Henry Ratdithyo said the IDX Mobile application as of Thursday had been downloaded 382 times from Android phones.

The application will officially launch on July 13, 2023, in a series of commemorating the IDX Anniversary in August.

"So we just had a placement on the Google Store on Monday (12/6) yesterday. Previously we were still using the beta version that the application needed to send," said Henry.

He said the IDX Mobile application development roadmap has been made until 2027, where IDX Mobile is targeted to be a super app containing features from the IDI and Indonesian Stock Guarantee Clearing (KPEI), the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), or a subsidiary company.

At least there are one to two new features, including the features of collaboration with subsidiaries. Currently, we are still in the exploration stage with them because we aspire to have all information related to the capital market in IDX Mobile," he said.

Head of the IDX Mobile user data Sales & Marketing Unit Lulu Meutia said IDX Mobile data is safe and will not leak.

While in the soft launching process, he expects more feedback from users to be the basis for developing the IDX Mobile application,

"So because this application will only be launched, we have not conducted a customer satisfaction survey at this time," he said.

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