
YOGYAKARTA One of the efforts that can be made to earn additional income is to build an MSME business. However, this effort can make you face double challenges, especially in determining the priority scale. Fortunately, there are tips for dividing your work time and business so that both jobs remain optimal.

Summarized from various sources, Wednesday, June 14, 2023, here are tips for dividing working time and effective business so that both can go hand in hand.

Creating a time allocation between fixed work and side business is the first thing to do if you want your two jobs to run optimally.

By having the right time allocation, you don't have to sacrifice time between one activity and another.

You can divide your work time and business with each priority scale. For example, prioritizing work remains in the morning, then limiting the side business during rest hours.

Even though your schedule is busy because you are running two different jobs, don't forget to take the time to rest. This is very important so that you don't burn out quickly or get tired.

If your side business is selling on the marketplace, you can take advantage of a smart reply feature that makes it easier for sellers to reply to shoppers' chats more quickly automatically.

The presence of this feature allows you to answer questions about product stock, shipping, and product specifications.

Since you're doing two big jobs, take some time to rethink what to finish tomorrow.

By creating a to-do-list, your work will be more structured. In addition, this step can also prevent you from stress.

When creating a to-do list, write down everything you have to do and set it according to your priorities. If you feel everything is a priority, choose which one is most important and urgent.

Taking two big responsibilities can indeed be a challenge for some people. Therefore, never be ashamed to ask your closest colleagues for help to make it easier to complete work.

You can try collaborating with your colleagues or family, so that the side business can run smoothly.

Sharing work time and side business is not an easy job, but it's not impossible to do. At first it will be difficult and there are many things you have to sacrifice. However, over time, you'll be grateful you weren't caught up in finding excuses to avoid responsibility and be proud of the courage to challenge yourself to get started.

This is information about tips on dividing working time and by-business so that it can run optimally. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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