
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Special Committee (Pansus) for Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) DPD Bustami Zainudin asked the state not to obey and lose to BLBI obligors who clearly have debts to the Indonesian people. Therefore, the government for the sake of the people must strengthen their defenses by requiring obligors to pay their debts.

"I don't think the state should lose to BLBI obligors who have long enjoyed state facilities," said Bustami in Jakarta, Friday, June 9.

Previously, the DPD RI formed a Special Committee for BLBI Volume II 2022-2023 consisting of Prince Syarif Abdurrahman (Kalsel), Bustami Zainudin (Lampung), Fahira Idris (DKI Jakarta), Evi Apita Maya (NTB), Tamsil Linrung (South Sulawesi), Evi Zainal Abidin (East Java) and Amaliah (Sumsel).

According to him, this BLBI is a form of looting of people's money. Therefore, it is mandatory for these obligors to pay their debts.

Moreover, it has been 25 years since 1988-2023 that they enjoy the generosity of the State. If the state is not serious about pursuing these obligors, the state is unfair to its people.

"And if the people don't accept it, it could be dangerous," he said.

Bustami emphasized that BLBI's 'obligor' cheating practice has made BLBI the biggest financial scandal in the country's history. This is burdensome for state finances. Because until now, the government continues to bear the interest burden caused by the provision of this BLBI facility.

Unfortunately, continued Bustami, whenever efforts to resolve the BLBI case were rolled out, the state seemed helpless because the process was always not optimal. In addition, some BLBI obligors fled to neighboring countries.

"So, the elites - both executive and political, have never finished resolving this case to its roots," he added.

No wonder, for almost 25 years, it was calculated that since the assistance was disbursed, this case seemed to have drowned. In fact, if you look at the development of the case recently, BLBI obligors and debtors are actually given a red carpet by the government.

"That's people's money. Currently the people are having a hard time. So, they have to pay their debts," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Main Expert Staff of the BLBI Special Committee of the DPD RI, Hardjuno Wiwoho, said the BLBI Gate scandal was a massive looting of people's money by the elites. Therefore, the state is obliged to work optimally so that the looted state money is returned to the state treasury.

Hardjuno said that the BLBI facilities received by these obligors were actually people's money taken from taxes. Therefore, it is appropriate for such large funds to be enjoyed by the small people through the distribution of development cakes.

However, in fact, this BLBI facility was actually occupied by high-profile looters.

"I think this BLBI scandal is a form of crime in the financial sector," he said.

Hardjuno said that BLBI criminals are actually easy to identify. But ironically, the law is unable to touch individuals who clearly harm the state in a very large number.

Even the government itself is weakly helpless in facing their political game. Therefore, he asked the state not to lose to the borrowers of this people's tax money.

"Don't let the thief of state money sleep well. Investigate, imprison and be poor," he said.

"The government for 25 years apart from paying the principal, also paying the interest on its debt. Obviously, this is unfair. Moreover, the government has borne the burden to date," he concluded.

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