JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) noted that based on observations, tickets for long-distance trains that have been sold are 3,231,360 tickets. The figure has passed the target.
KAI's VP of Public Relations Joni Martinus said the number would still increase, because sales were still ongoing.
Joni revealed that the period before Lebaran was dominated by passengers from the West (Jakarta or Bandung) towards the East (Central Java and East Java).
"For the period after Lebaran, passengers from the East (Central Java or East Java) are dominated towards the West (Jakarta or Bandung)," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, May 2.
Meanwhile, based on the date of departure for long-distance trains, 161,039 passengers were ordered for Eid al-Fitr. Meanwhile, after Lebaran, April 25, 2023 (D+2) was 201,890 passengers.
"If the desired ticket runs out, the customer can select an alternative date or take advantage of the Connecting Train feature in the KAI Access application which will help provide travel options by combining a connecting train schedule," he said.
Joni said that during the Lebaran 2023 homecoming season, there were 10 departure stations with the most passengers, namely Pasar Senen; Gambir; Surabaya Pasar Turi; Surabaya Gubeng; Bandung; Solo Balapan; Malang; Semarang Tawang; Ketapang and Medan.
Furthermore, Joni also said there were 10 arrival stations with the most passengers, namely Pasar Senen; Gambir; Surabaya Pasar Turi; Surabaya Gubeng; Bandung; Semarang Tawang; Malang; Solo Balapan; Ketapang and Medan.
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Meanwhile, there are 10 relationships with the most passengers, namely Pasar Senen-Surabaya Pasar Turi; Surabaya Pasar Turi-Pasar Senen; Gambir-Bandung; Bandung-Gambir; Pasar Senen-Malang; Malang-Pasar Senen; Kiaracondong-Surabaya Gubeng; Surabaya Gubeng-Kiaracondong; Pasar Senen-Purwosari and Sukabumi-Cipat.
On the other hand, KAI also appealed to all customers to arrive 1 hour before the train departure, carrying baggage in accordance with the provisions.
"As well as implementing health protocols by wearing masks and washing hands regularly," he concluded.
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