
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo appealed to travelers passing through Merak Port to order tickets electronically through the application or e-ticketing.

"I hope that all Merak Ferry passengers have ordered e-tickets because last year this was very disturbing for those who did not have tickets," said President Jokowi after reviewing the readiness for homecoming at Merak Harbor, quoting Antara, Tuesday, April 11.

The President requested that all passengers have tickets before entering Merak Port. According to the Head of State, travelers who do not have tickets are considered to have disturbed the smooth running at Merak Port.

"Everyone must have a ticket before entering Merak Port," the President appealed.

On the previous occasion, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir also assessed that the density of crossings at Bakauheni Port and Merak Port was triggered because people could not buy with electronic tickets (e-tickets).

According to Erick, purchasing electronic tickets can make people come to the port according to the ticket schedule and close to departure.

"The problem is because people are not used to it, there is no e-ticket yet but they don't have tickets, this must be anticipated," said Erick at the Jakarta Presidential Staff Office (KSP) on Monday (10/4).

The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) also appealed to travelers to use the Ferizy application for smooth trips to their hometowns.

Prospective passengers can book a ship ticket via the Ferizy application or website from D-60 before departure.

For this reason, prospective travelers must have started planning a scheduled departure, at least H-1 already has a ticket.

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