YOGYAKARTA - This digital era can be done all in an instant and using technology tools. In fact, all today's work can be done online using an application. One of the jobs that can be done by utilizing the use of cellphones, laptops or other devices with the application is writing. Many applications to write on laptops make it easier for writers.

At this time there is no need to bother writing manually and sending it in a convoluted manner. Digital applications to write can be selected with the completeness of each menu and feature.

Reporting from Antara, some recommendations for applications to write on laptops are as follows:

Microsoft Word is a word processing application developed by leading technology company Microsoft. This application is used to create, edit, and format text documents. With complete features, users can easily write letters, essays, reports, and other types of documents. One of the main advantages of Microsoft Word is an interface that is intuitive and easy to use. Users can quickly find important features such as text typing, paragraph arrangement, format settings, and others. In addition, this application is also equipped with a variety of document templates ready for use, so users can quickly start their projects without having to make documents from scratch.

This note application is a digital application issued by Microsoft. There will be empty canvases that can be any writing place when this achievement is opened. This form of appearance is perfect for those who are used to making irregular notes in the form of mind maps and so on. The best feature in this application is AutoSync, namely the synchronization feature to various devices owned.

Google Docs or Google Docs is a very popular and familiar bookwriting application for bookwriters and writers in general. This application is certainly familiar to office workers or bloggers who need a lot of space to save their writing. On Google totals, writers can write and the writing can be accessed by editors or other people who have access to it, so when they want to write to Google Docs, writers don't have to bother sending electronic mail to editors manually. In addition, Google Docs is also very accessible and used if they want to write and write quickly.

Notepad++ is another writing application that is also popular among laptop or computer users. This application has various features that make it easier for users to process words, such as syntax highlighting for various programming languages, auto-completetion, and also the ability to open and store various types of text files.

The Notepad++ advantage is that it can handle large amounts of text without experiencing lags or performance problems. Users can also easily set the interface to their needs, and can even add additional features through worn. In addition, Notepad++ also supports the use of regular expressions, making it a very useful application for users who often work with text manipulation intensively. Notepad++ also has support for various languages, so users from various countries can easily use this application.

The writing application is in the form of a note on a laptop that is quite popular, namely Evernote. This application is available on various operating systems ranging from iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, to web systems. Evernote is accessible on various devices. Evernote also supports various document formats, photos, videos, audio clips, to handwritten scans. Free features can also be used in this application. However, if you want to use a more legcap feature, you can subscribe to the premium feature.

Bear Notes also includes writing applications in the form of notes that can be used on laptops. However, this note application can only be installed on iOS and macOS operating systems, so Windows and Android users cannot use this application. However, Bear Notes has a number of interesting features such as to-dos, tag, note link, add images, and other features. This application can be downloaded for free, but if you want to synchronize daily records to all devices, it must be averaging the application.

Zoho Writer is a writing or word processing app that is useful for easily creating and editing documents. This application has a variety of features that allow users to work efficiently, such as the ability to add images, tables, and graphs into documents, as well as collaboration features that allow some users to work together on the same document.

Zoho Writer also has integrations with various other applications such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, making it easier for users to save and share documents. In addition, this application also supports various file formats, such as kalaux,rtf, and pdf, making it easier for users to work with documents from various sources. In addition, Zoho Writer also provides various document templates that are ready for use, so that users can easily make documents according to their needs. With all the features and conveniences offered, Zoho Writer is an excellent choice to write online.

In the PaperStreet Journal, users can choose the type of entry in the form of writing, images, or both. In addition, users can also archive daily notes in the form of PNG or RTF. This application can convert voice entries into text and has spelling checking features that make records more neat. If you want the records to be kept private, then you can add a password in the application.

The iDailyDiary application has several features that make it easier for users. This application is equipped with a disbursement feature that makes it easier to find notes that have been made. iDailyDariry can also provide services to users who want to maintain record security by adding passwords and encryption. Not only that, this application can also help users to change text in HTML format. Then users can also save notes on the application in a flashdisk, so they can update notes anytime on a laptop or computer.

WordPerfect is one of the popular writing apps used in various circles. This application has features that allow users to easily and efficiently create and edit text documents. WordPerfect has an intuitive user interface and is a good choice for those looking for alternatives from other word processing applications. The WordPerfect excess is, among other things, its ability to handle long documents well, strong support for various file formats, and the ability to provide flexible layout setting tools. In addition, WordPerfect also has special features such as the Reveal Codes feature that allows users to view and edit formatting in detail.

Various applications for writing on a laptop or computer, both free and paid, can be adjusted to the needs and tastes of each user's writing. Menu and features on each application can be an option according to the convenience and writing style of the user.

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