雅加达 - 通过与数字钱包Venmo的合作,Hallmark言语卡制造商推出了新的Hallmark + Venmo Card,这是一种轻松的方式,可以通过实体Hallmark卡与Venmo汇款。


There’s a new way to put money in a card! 💸Hallmark and Venmo are here to make spreading the love easy. Just pick up a Hallmark + Venmo card from select retailers, scan, and add the amount you want to give. We'll take care of the rest 💌Visit https://t.co/gFpZl7LUKa to find… pic.twitter.com/na3Cw9mg8C

— Venmo (@Venmo) August 30, 2023

There’s a new way to put money in a card! 💸Hallmark and Venmo are here to make spreading the love easy. Just pick up a Hallmark + Venmo card from select retailers, scan, and add the amount you want to give. We'll take care of the rest 💌Visit https://t.co/gFpZl7LUKa to find… pic.twitter.com/na3Cw9mg8C

Venmo的四分之三(78%)以上的Venmo客户定期切换到Venmo,将资金作为礼物送给他们的朋友和家人。现在,首次,Hallmark + Venmo Card为您提供了一种在Venmo安全地用身体言论卡赠送礼物的方法,“该公司在其博客上写道。

「Hallmark + Venmo Card,除了您使用Venmo的所有方式外,我們也很高兴推出一种新的物理方法,以便与Venmo一起赠送礼物。

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