JAKARTA - Crypto wallets are the same as your digital bank, which serves to store all digital sets with more advanced and high-tech systems.
There, you can also keep private and public keys, a magic code that allows you to manage cryptocurrencies and make transactions. In general, crypto wallets are divided into three types, namely Hot Wallets, Cold Wallets, and Paper Wallets.
Each wallet has its own features and uniqueness. So, let's look at the weaknesses and advantages of the three crypto wallets.
Launching from the Krystal Wallets blog, this wallet lives in the digital realm, such as applications, websites, or browser extensions, for example such as Krystal Wallet, Metamask, and Trust Wallet.
This type of wallet usually looks like a USB drive. For this type of wallet, Ledger and Trezor are two of the best.
A physical paper sheet with your personal and public keys is printed on it. This is a way to store and access your crypto assets offline. Printing the key will remove it from the online network, but tokens remain.
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