JAKARTA - The Canadian Senate on Thursday, April 27 approved a government bill on online broadcasting after 10 months of wrangling over a law that would force companies like Netflix and YouTube to offer more Canadian content.

Bill C-11, or the Online Streaming Act, was approved by the unelected upper chamber of Canada's parliament by 52 votes in favour, 16 against, and one abstention. With the approval of the Senate, the law only needs the royal approval of the governor-general to become law.

This act aims to bring such Spotify, Disney+ and other online streaming platforms under the watchful eye of broadcast regulator CRTC, and compel them to comply with Canadian content requirements that apply to TV and Radio channels.

The law, proposed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government last year, was approved in the lower chambers of parliament in June with backing from the opposition New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois parties.

The government says the law will ensure that online streaming services promote Canadian music and stories and support Canadian jobs.

Meanwhile, opponents, including Canada's main opposition Conservative Party, have criticized the law as an excessive measure that would affect freedom of expression and choice on the internet.

YouTube said it wasn't against the law in its entirety, but had concerns about the impact it would have on user-generated content. The video platform said the law would force it to recommend Canadian content on its homepage instead of videos tailored to users' specific interests.

Canadian Culture Minister Pablo Rodriguez, who introduced the law in February 2022, said the changes were aimed at commercial programming streamed online and would not apply to individual content creators.

Once it becomes law, the CRTC will develop and implement regulations for both traditional and online broadcasting services.

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