JAKARTA - How do you find and buy transportation tickets, tourist attractions, and places to stay online but are you still safe from the threat of cybercriminals?

Based on Kaspersky's latest statistics, 356,786 financial-related phishing were detected and blocked against its users in Indonesia during the first half of 2022. Of these, 166,857 incidents targeted the payment system.

In addition, during the first half of last year, 20,603 domestic phishing efforts were detected in terms of online banking.

"During big celebrations, everyone wants to order something good without spending too much. Imagine we're getting a huge promo on premium airlines, hotels and all kinds of attractive offers related to the holidays. This is very interesting for travelers, and the momentum like the Eid holiday is the right time to host this kind of dangerous scheme," said Managing Director Kaspersky for Asia Pacific Chris Connell, Wednesday, April 19.

For this reason, in order to stay safe during homecoming, it is important to do the following tips.

First, stay alert and pay close attention to every unwanted email, message, and social media upload.

Scan the link before clicking, and don't download attachments from unknown sources. Be careful of links leading to suspicious or unusual websites.

Second, make sure you only buy tickets and book hotel rooms from the company directly or through leading ticket sites or hotels.

Third, back up all your data before traveling. Use a strong password for any service or app and exit the service before crossing any limits.

Also protect your device's operating system with a good password.

Fourth, consider not bringing work devices and important data if you don't really need them. Save data in the cloud, but do it safely.

Fifth, consider using credit cards because many of them have built-in protection against fraud.

Then if you're paying online, make sure the engine and browser are really up-to-date with the latest version.

It is also important not to use public Wi-Fi, even in hotel rooms, unless it has been encrypted and password protected. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN).

Sixth, use protection solutions to avoid becoming victims of online fraud.

Finally, don't put all your money in one basket. Take two, three, or more credit cards or debits, so that if something unexpected happens, a backup plan is always available.

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