JAKARTA - Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti successfully stole the attention of the audience in the middle of the match between his team and Chelsea in the first leg of the 2022/2023 Champions League quarter-finals. Ancelotti attracted attention because of his ability to process the round skin.

In the first leg of the Champions League quarter-finals, Madrid got the opportunity to host Chelsea at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, Thursday, April 13. The excitement was made by Ancelotti while the match was still ongoing.

The 63-year-old coach stopped the flow of the ball that led to him on the sidelines. swiftly Ancelotti held the ball with his right foot and then passed it to his left foot.

Not only that, Ancelotti immediately showed off his skills in juggling with his style in his pants pocket. The ball was briefly detained by this Italian coach with his thigh, before he finally sent the ball back to the field.

Ancelotti's action immediately became crowded on social media and caused a lot of positive comments. Some even praised that the Real Madrid coach showed more skills than all Chelsea players, especially in this match the Blues lost Ben Chilwell for a red card.

One user on Twitter said, "Chelsea is so bad that even Carlo Ancelotti started playing football."

Another posted, "Don Carlo's super sub view today!"

"At the age of 63, Carlo Ancelotti is still a better footballer than any Chelsea player," continued another.

Bahkan salah satu pengguna media sosial juga berlakar bahwa kemampuan Ancelotti itu bisa membuatnya menjadi rekrutan new The Blues di musim panas.

"In the summer he will probably be contracted by Chelsea as a playmaker," said a netizen.

Ancelotti himself is not a new figure for the Blues. Prior to dealing with Madrid, he had coached Chelsea for two years and managed to help the team win the doubles title in 2010 before his departure in 2011.

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