JAKARTA - There are several things that need to be checked on the car before traveling back and forth, such as engine conditions, electricity, braking systems, and tire conditions. All these parts must be thoroughly inspected by an expert technician so that the car can be ascertained in prime condition when traveling, let alone far away.

The condition of the car engine needs to be checked to ensure all engine components are functioning properly and there is no damage to the system that can cause engine failure while walking on the highway. Likewise with car electricality, which must be checked to ensure all lights and car electronics systems are functioning properly.

In addition, also make sure to check the level of engine oil, cooling water, battery water, and tire pressure regularly during homecoming trips. This is very important to maintain the car's performance during the trip.

So, what if the car owner feels the condition of the car is safe?

According to Ali Rosyadi, as Service Technical - Aftersales Business Division Auto2000, the importance of cars being taken to the workshop aims to detect problems in the car as early as possible. If there is a problem, technicians can fix it or fix it before severe damage occurs and drains costs.

"It is necessary (the car is taken to the workshop in good condition). Each component of the vehicle will experience a decline in quality along with the use of the vehicle. The purpose of the inspection is of course to identify these components early in the morning," said Ali during an interview with VOI, Jum'at, March 31.

Ali also added that periodic checks to the workshop were carried out every 6 months. This aims to see if the performance of the engine and oil is reduced or not which can cause damage.

"The examination every 6 months is because within 6 months the quality of the engine oil will decrease even though the vehicle is rarely used. If the quality of the engine oil has decreased, the function of the engine oil such as the lubrication function and protection of the components will also decrease so that it has the potential to cause damage to the components," said Ali.

In addition to checking the workshop, car users must also carry out routine maintenance at home, especially in parts such as the Accu section, engine oil, cooling water and tire pressure.

"As owners of vehicles, we can also carry out regular monitoring for components that are replaced periodically, such as the quality and quantity of the engine oil, Accu water, cooling water and pressure of the tire wind," said Ali.

So in this case, according to him, for car maintenance, maintenance is needed at home and also checking at the workshop. However, to make it easier for car owners, they can use home service services that are already available in several workshops.

"If the vehicle owner has not had time to check the workshop, then it is better to use the Home Service service which is currently owned by many workshops so that the vehicle is maintained in prime condition," concluded Ali.

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