YOGYAKARTA The principle of professional ethics is a foundation that is adhered to by professional holders when carrying out their work.
As we all know, professional actors are individuals who work with skills and have special haphazards obtained from certain education and training.
Professional actors must use professional ethics as a guideline for carrying out their duties. This is to maintain the dignity and honor of the profession and protect the public from all forms of deviation and abuse of expertise.
Professional ethics is made by the official organization of actors of a profession. Without professional ethics, professions that are respected by the community will only be considered as ordinary types of work.
So, what are the principles of professional ethics? Check out the full information below.
Quoted from various sources, the following are the principles of professional ethics that become the basis for professional holders in doing their work:
The first principle of professional ethics is integrity, emphasizing the importance of honesty and consistency in carrying out a job. Professional holders are expected to maintain high moral standards, respect the professional code of ethics, and behave with personal and professional integrity.
This professional ethics principle refers to the obligations of professional holders in terms of obtaining the knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to carry out their duties.
Professional holders are expected to be able to follow the latest developments in their field, continue to learn, and improve the ability to provide quality services to clients or patients.
The next principle of professional ethics is confidentiality. This principle emphasizes the importance of maintaining the privacy, confidentiality, and security of client or patient information.
Professional ethics require professional holders to protect the personal information of clients or patients they know during their work, except in cases regulated by law or professional code of ethics.
Holders or professional actors must have an awareness of their responsibility for their implementation and work results.
In addition, professional holders are also expected to contribute to better and more sustainable community development, as well as pay attention to broader ethical issues that can affect the profession and society as a whole.
The principle of justice requires professional holders to behave fairly and objectively in every situation. They are expected to consider various points of view, treat each client or patient with respect, and avoid unfair discrimination and treatment.
The sixth principle of professional ethics is to always prioritize the interests of clients or patients.
Professional actors are also required to provide maximum service to the community who become clients or patients. This is so that the public will increasingly believe in the field of professions being carried out.
The last principle of professional ethics is accountability. This principle refers to the ability and ability to be responsible. Professional holders must remember that every action and decision requires accountability.
Well, the principle of accountability will make professional actors more careful in acting and making decisions.
That's information about the principles of professional ethics. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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