According to PT KAI Commuter's External Relations and Corporate Care, Leza Arlan, the cancellation of the trip was carried out because puddles of water were still hampering rail lines in the affected areas.
"Currently, our officers are continuing to monitor the puddles on the track," said Leza when confirmed, Monday, December 16.
Cancellation includes: - 10 KRL trips from Jakarta City to Tanjung Priok, namely trains with travel numbers 2418A, 2420A, 2422A, 2424A, and 2426A. - 5 trips from Tanjung Priok to Jakarta City, namely trains with travel numbers 2417A, 2419A, 2421A, 2423A, and 2425A.
PT KAI Commuter urges users to adjust the travel schedule and follow the directions of officers at the station. "We ask users to monitor the latest information and adjust their trip to the situation on the ground," added Leza.
Meanwhile, the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reported that the tidal flood submerged nine RTs in the Marunda area, North Jakarta, and Panggang Island, Thousand Islands, on Monday morning.
"The latest information is that puddles until 10:00 WIB are still submerging a number of areas in North Jakarta and the Thousand Islands," said Head of BPBD DKI Jakarta, Isnawa Adji, Monday, December 16.
The affected areas include: 1. Three RTs in Marunda Village, Cilincing District, with water levels reaching 15 25 cm. 2. Six RTs in Panggang Island Village, Thousand Islands, with water levels reaching 40 cm.
In addition, the tidal flood also submerged Jalan RE Martadinata in front of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), Tanjung Priok District. This condition causes disruption of transportation activities in the area.
Menurut Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG), banjir rob yang terjadi merupakan dampak dari fenomena pasang maksimum air laut yang bersamaan dengan fase bulan baru. Kondisi ini diperkirakan berlangsung dari 11 hingga 20 Desember 2024 dan mempengaruhi wilayah pesisir utara Jakarta. BPBD DKI Jakarta telah berkoordinasi dengan sejumlah pihak untuk menangani dampak banjir rob, termasuk pemantauan kondisi, evakuasi warga, dan pengamanan fasilitas umum. "Kami menargetkan genangan surut dalam waktu cepat melalui upaya penanganan bersama berbagai dinas terkait," kata Isnawa.
Residents in affected areas are advised to remain alert to potential puddles that may still occur, especially during the peak of sea tides. BPBD DKI Jakarta also invites the public to monitor the latest information from official government channels to anticipate emergency situations.
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