JAKARTA - Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD summoned the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to discuss the polemic on the distribution of the Jakarta Superior Student Card (KJMU), which previously crossed out many students from the list of recipients.

During the meeting, the DKI Provincial Government admitted that the limited allocation of the APBD caused the government to change the mechanism for matching recipient data. However, the protests that emerged from students made the DKI Provincial Government re-enter the list of KJMU recipients at the end of 2023 for reuse in 2024.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD) Michael Rolandi Cesnanta Brata ensured that existing KJMU recipients would continue to receive social assistance for the education costs during the distribution phase 1 2024 in May 2024.

However, the DKI Provincial Government is verifying and validating the data of KJMU recipients by directly checking in the field to assess whether or not these students are worthy of being KJMU recipients.

"The total number of those who have registered, they are stage 1. Phase one payment is in May. We have prepared the budget. What is now, DTKS data verification and validation are carried out," said Michael at the DKI Jakarta DPRD building, Thursday, March 14.

Based on data at the end of 2023, it was recorded that 19.042 students were included in the KJMU recipients. Along with the verification and validation of data, the DKI Provincial Government found that 771 students were not eligible to receive KJMU.

The causes of the hundreds of students are not feasible to vary, ranging from no longer domiciled in Jakarta, not entering DTKS, having assets above Rp1 billion, to having the status of a capable family because their parents work as civil servants, BUMN employees, to the TNI-Polri. Thus, they were expelled from KJMU recipients.

"Friends who pay taxes in DKI, don't want the money not to be right on target. This is what we are trying to do. So there is no arbitrary cutting due to subjectivity. But because it is a rule, it is no longer possible if he is not registered with the DTKS," said Michael.

Because the data verification and validation process is still ongoing, Michael admitted that the DKI Provincial Government has not been able to confirm the exact number of students who are KJMU recipients when distribution is in phase 1 of 2024.

"The results of the verification are still being carried out by the Social Service and the Education Office. That may be around April or May, later the data will be available, then it will be visible, the fix will be visible," he said.

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