雅加达 - 一名康格鲁人在被运送到新家中时逃离其保安,周一在加拿大多伦多东部被捕,此前他在野外度过了周末,尽管他有时间审查其中一名警察。



巡逻官员周一凌晨3点左右在大阪北部的一个农村地区看到羽毛球,参谋长Chris Boileau告诉CBC多伦多。





Officers Rescue Kangaroo on "Roo-tine" Patrol - In response to a reported kangaroo sighting in the Winchester Rd E and Harmony Rd N area, officers were deployed for the rescue mission. Full story: https://t.co/r7uWpN1tJL pic.twitter.com/k3ZZi7xcYs

— Durham Regional Police (@DRPS) December 4, 2023

Officers Rescue Kangaroo on "Roo-tine" Patrol - In response to a reported kangaroo sighting in the Winchester Rd E and Harmony Rd N area, officers were deployed for the rescue mission. Full story: https://t.co/r7uWpN1tJL pic.twitter.com/k3ZZi7xcYs

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