Acting Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) M. Mardiono said the statement by the Professor of State Intelligence College (STIN), A. M. Hendropriyono regarding Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka to win in the 2024 presidential election should be an encouragement for the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN).

Hendropriyono previously predicted Prabowo-Gibran's victory from intelligence glasses based on the current political dynamics. His observations, this victory can be seen from several things, including the latest political map.

"Tokoh kita Pak Hendropriyono menyampaikan kalau pemilu dilaksanakan hari ini, hari kemarin pada saat dia melakukan statment itu maka Pak Prabowo dan Gibran akan menang. Ini adalah caning bagi kami semua," kata Mardiono kepada wartawan di gedung High End, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Rabu, 22 November.

Mardiono revealed that TPN Ganjar-Mahfud together with supporting parties will work hard. In fact, the division of tasks has been discussed in a closed meeting held by TPN today.

"Earlier we discussed so that we work even harder to build certainty in winning, including in it we want to give tasks to the legislative candidates, especially from political parties who are currently running for their respective constituencies," he said.

"So each political party we give this task and assignment is inseparable from the part that is the core winning team besides the volunteer team," continued Mardiono.

In addition, the general chairman of the party carrying Ganjar-Mahfud will also communicate more frequently and hold meetings with TPN. "We will be even more intense. No longer waiting for the general chairman to gather every two weeks," said the former Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres).

To note, Hendropriyono in his intelligence analysis highlighted a number of factors that will win the Prabowo-Gibran pair. One of them, stable and fast, the party engine moves.

"Golkar dan Demokrat digelar sebagai mesin yang nanti akan bergerak di lapangan," ungkap Hendro dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Senin, 20 November.

Meanwhile, as a logistics and financial administration system analyzed by Hendro, the Gerindra Party will hold it. "And it moves according to the direction that is definitely a definite target," he said.

Hendro also said that the number two pair camp had also prepared a backup plan, for example if the 2024 presidential election went two rounds. Among them are by preparing political machines from PAN, PBB, and the Gelora Party.

This party is prepared to accommodate the mass of Anies Baswedan voters who are predicted not to qualify for the second round. "So, according to this intelligence estimate today and if there is no change, Prabowo-Gibran will win," he concluded.

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