Attorney General ST Burhanuddin was asked to review allegations of corruption in the use of land covering an area of 31,670 square meters at Pede Beach, West Manggarai owned by the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). This case is being handled by the East Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office.
The attorney for the Director of PT Sarana Investama Manggabar (SIM) Heri Pranyoto, Khresna Guntarto even hopes that the Attorney General can issue a letter determining the termination of the investigation (SP3). Do not let the ongoing investigation harm his client.
"Our client, PT SIM, along with its management, is a private cooperation partner who carries out projects under the BOT/BGS scheme without state or regional finances at all," Khresna said in a written statement, Tuesday, August 1.
Khresna said that this case was actually related to business issues and was included in the civil realm, not criminally. "There is no element of harm to state finances," he said.
Khresna hopes that the current case can be stopped or at least wait for the results of the examination of civil cases at the Kupang District Court. Moreover, these two cases are interrelated.
Khrena said that her client actually lost tens of billions of rupiah on BOT/BGS investment which turned out to be uncertain. However, recently they were caught in a criminal case that was allegedly engineered.
"It's already a high risk, a lot of money comes out, haunted by imprisonment. It's ironic and sad," he said.
"Our client has even built with funds incurred by himself reaching approximately Rp. 25 billion and then unilaterally stopped its cooperation and asked to forcefully vacate without any clear compensation," continued Khresna.
Previously, the NTT High Prosecutor's Office detained two suspects in the alleged corruption case of using 31,670 square meters of land assets belonging to the local provincial government which cost the state Rp8.5 billion. They are Thelma DS and Heri Pranyoto.
"Both of them have been detained by investigators for corruption in the NTT High Prosecutor's Office," said Head of the Legal Information Section of the East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Attorney AA Raka Putra Dharmana in Kupang, antara, Monday, July 31.
Allegations of corruption have been investigated since January 17, 2022. At that time, investigators found sufficient evidence to enter the investigation stage based on the Investigation Order of the Head of the East Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office Number print-354/N.3/Fd.1/10/2022 which was signed on October 11, 2022.
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