JAKARTA - Airlangga Hartarto and Puan Maharani met. These Golkar Party and PDI-P officials conveyed that their mission to meet was to strengthen friendship for the sake of national unity and progress.

Chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, and Chairman of the PDI-P Winning Team (PDIP), Puan Maharani, held a national gathering on Thursday, July 27, 2023, at Airlangga's private residence located on Jalan Tirtayasa No. 32, Jakarta.

Puan Maharani also warmly welcomed this meeting and emphasized the PDIP's commitment to continue to contribute in efforts to create political stability and progress in the nation. "We are always open to collaborating with other parties for the better Indonesia," said Puan.

This national gathering between Airlangga Hartarto and Puan Maharani shows the spirit of mutual cooperation in maintaining unity and building the nation. In the midst of a dynamic political situation, positive steps like this are expected to inspire other political parties to uphold national values and contribute together for the progress of Indonesia.

In the warm meeting, Airlangga Hartarto was accompanied by the Secretary-General of the Golkar Party, Lodewijk Paulus, and Ace Hasan Syadzili. Meanwhile, Puan Maharani was accompanied by Said Abdullah and Bambang Pacul, members of the PDIP winning team. This meeting aims to establish a relationship between the two political figures representing the big parties in Indonesia, namely the Golkar Party and PDIP. In addition, the meeting was also an important moment to see the latest political developments in the country.

Dalam suasana akrab, Airlangga Hartarto dan Puan membahas berbagai isu politik dan situasi terkini yang tengah berkembang di Indonesia. Keduanya saling bertukar pandangan dan pemikiran untuk menyatukan langkah dalam menghadapi dinamika politik yang semakin kompleks.

Ace Hasan Syadzili, as a representative of the Golkar Party, stated that this meeting was a form of the two parties' commitment to maintaining national unity and integrity. He emphasized the importance of cooperation between the Golkar Party and the PDIP as a strong foundation to achieve a common goal for the advancement of Indonesia.

"I think this meeting is a positive step towards establishing a relationship and strengthening the relationship between the Golkar Party and the PDIP," said Ace Hasan Syadzili.

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