JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Empowerment and Strengthening of the Indonesian Transportation Community Area (MTI) Central Djoko Setijowarno said the rampant train accidents in Semarang, Lampung and Kisaran some time ago could not be separated from the behavior of road users who did not comply with the applicable rules.
Djoko also proposed the need to install videotron so that people comply with the rules at level train crossings and avoid the dangers of accidents.
"Videotrons that show incidents and dangers due to violating the rules at level crossings so that people who see them know the risks they will take if they violate," he said via electronic message received in Jakarta on Saturday.
According to him, people need to continuously get socialization and education as a form of prevention.
On the other hand, local governments are expected to be able to draw up a regional safety action plan and budget to support improving public safety.
"This includes building roads or flyovers so that there are no more level railroad crossings, especially at accident-prone points," said the academic at the Unika Civil Engineering Study Program, Soegijapranata, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, July 22.
Djoko said three accidents at a level crossing in a day involving the Brantas Jakarta Blitar connection train with trailer trucks in Semarang City, Central Java, Kuala Stabas train with sugar cane-loaded trucks related to Tanjung Karang-Baturaja in Blambangan Pagar Village, Blambangan District, North Lampung Regency, Lampung, and Sri Bilah Utama Train with minibuses at Km 02+800 Rantauprapat - Medan relation, East Kisaran District, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra are increasingly strengthening that field crossings are very dangerous.
Traffic accidents at level crossings, he continued, reminded the public to prioritize train travel. Because the speed of this iron snake cannot be stopped suddenly.
"In addition, the train mode transports hundreds of people who can have a fatal impact if they experience travel disturbances," said Djoko.
He said that train travel was still prioritized before giving other priorities, namely fire engines carrying out their duties, ambulances transporting sick people, vehicles to provide assistance for traffic accidents, state ship vehicles or foreign government that are guests of the state, convoys of corpse delivery, convoys of parades or vehicles of disabled people, and vehicles that use only for special purposes or transporting special goods.
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