The Jepara Regency Government (Pemkab) has stated that it is ready to backup or support the Karimunjawa National Park Center (BTN) to take action against violators of shrimp pond activities in Karimunjawa District.

"The activity of cultivating shrimp ponds is included in the Karimunjawa BTN area, so it violates the provisions of the law. In order not to further damage the environment, law enforcement needs to be carried out immediately," said Jepara Regency Regional Secretary (Sekda) Edy Sujatmiko in Jepara, Central Java, Friday, July 21, confiscated by Antara.

Edy said that BTN Karimunjawa plans to provide a third warning letter to the violators. After that, if it is ignored, repressive action will be taken.

However, he added, before taking action, preventive measures were sought first with the Jepara Environment Agency (DLH).

"Even if there is an action of revocation, BTN Karimunjawa informs the Jepara Regency Government to coordinate with Forkopimda and later fully support from the strength of the Resort Police," he said.

For now, he continued, BTN Karimunjawa has not yet made a copy to the local government to enforce the law, because the activities of shrimp ponds at 33 points in Karimunjawa not only violate regional regulations, but have violated the law.

For example, it does not have the suitability of sea space utilization activities (KKPRL) from the Director General of Marine Spatial Management of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, thus violating Law number 11/2020 concerning Job Creation.

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