YOGYAKARTA Litium is one of the most needed metals, especially in the industrial field. One of the benefits of lithium is as a battery material which is then used on electronic devices. Apart from this, did you know where the world's largest lithium producing country is?

There are at least five countries that are the largest lithium producers in the world which are then used for various purposes. The five countries are as follows.

Did you know that Australia, dubbed the Kangaroo Country, has become the largest lithium producer in the world?

In 2022, the country succeeded in producing 61,000 metric tons of lithium. This figure is up because previously Australia only received lithium of 55,300 metric tons. It is estimated that the amount of lithium that the country can produce will increase by 14.2 percent in 2026. It is estimated that Australia has a lithium reserve of 3.8 million metric tons.

In addition to Australia, Chile is also known as the largest lithium producing country in the world. In 2022, the total production of lithium in Chile will reach 28,300 metric tons. The country also accounts for 39,000 metric tons of lithium found in the presence of lithium salt water in the Salar de Atacama salt plain, land on the border of Chile with Argentina and Bolivia.

China is not only one of the countries that has succeeded in producing electric vehicles, but has also become a large lithium-producing country. In 2022, the number of lithium supplied by the country will reach 19,000 metric tons. This figure is an increase compared to the previous year which only reached 14,000 metric tons. Amazingly, China is also the country that controls 80 percent of the distillation of lithium raw materials in the world.

Argentina is a country bordering Chile. Like Chile, Argentina is also a large number of lithium-producing country. Even 9 percent of the world's lithium reserves are in Argentina.

In 2021, the country of Argentina succeeded in producing lithium by 230 metric tons. Meanwhile, in 2022 the country will produce 6,200 metric tons. This figure has increased significantly. Argentina has two points of lithium export projects, namely the Salar del Hombre Mutoto salt plain and Sales de Jujuy. Both have large lithium production capacity, amounting to 20,000 tons and 17,500 tons of lithium per year, respectively.

Brazil is also one of the largest lithium producing countries in the world. Even the production rate in 2022 has increased rapidly compared to the previous year. The previous year, the country produced lithium of 1,700 metric tons. Meanwhile, in 2022, lithium in Brazil will reach 2,200 metric tons of lithium.

That's the information about the largest lithium producing country. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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