Mount Anak Krakatau, which is located in the waters of the Sunda Strait, South Lampung Regency, Lampung, experienced three eruptions.
Head of the Mount Anak Krakatau Monitoring Post, Andi Suardi, confirmed that PVMBG recorded three times Mount Anak Krakatau eruption with various ash column heights.
"The Gunung Anak Krakatau eruption occurred on July 20, 2023 at 08.43 WIB with a column of ash observed at approximately 500 meters and above the peak of 657 m, and a column of ash was observed gray to black leaning towards the northwest, this eruption was recorded on a seismogram with a maximum amplitude of 25 mm with a duration of 1 minute 13 seconds," said Andi Suardi in South Lampung as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 20.
Furthermore, the eruption returned at 08.51 WIB in the ash column height of 1,500 meters and above the peak of 1,657 m, recorded a diseismogram with a maximum amplitude of 65 mm for a duration of 2 minutes 59 seconds.
Then the eruption again at 08.52 WIB, with a column of 2,000 meters of ash above its peak of 2,157 meters, with a maximum amplitude of 61 mm with a duration of 3 minutes 2 seconds.
Andi appealed to the public and fishermen not to approach the Mount Anak Krakatau area at a radius of five kilometers.
"Currently Mount Anak Krakatau is at level III on standby with the recommendations of the community, fishermen, mountain climbers, not approaching the mountain with a radius of five kilometers," he said.
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