JAMBI - Police have arrested 36 suspects from 27 cases of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) in Jambi.

The Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Senior Commissioner of Police Mulia Prianto, said that a number of TIP cases were spread from early June to July 19, 2023.

"A total of 36 suspects and 28 victims, consisting of 16 adults and 12 minors," he said in Jambi, Thursday, July 20, was confiscated by Antara.

A total of 36 suspects detained by the Jambi Regional Police are distributors of trafficking in persons. The suspects benefited materially from the exploitation of their victims.

The modus operandi of the perpetrators is to employ adult female victims to minors as commercial sex workers (CSWs).

Meanwhile, the victims were exploited, and promised money as payment.

Until now, the Jambi Regional Police and their ranks have continued to pursue TIP perpetrators with various modes.

Meanwhile, the police also revealed allegations of involvement of teenagers in cases of trafficking in persons.

Last week, the Jambi Police arrested five youths suspected of committing TIP. Two suspected perpetrators from Merangin, and two others from Muaro Jambi and one young man from Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency.

Among the teenagers caught, two of them plan to trade underage victims to Batam.

Mulia emphasized that the Jambi Police TIP Task Force team investigated and chased the perpetrators of TIP so that the same thing would not happen again, especially for underage girls.

Based on the data, the highest number of cases of trafficking in people that were successfully revealed were from the Jambi Police with seven cases, then the Jambi Police Ditreskrimum revealed four cases. Meanwhile, other disclosures came from the police ranks.

For the Jambi Police Ditreskrimum, of the four investigated, the case file has been sent to the Jambi Prosecutor's Office. It is known that one case file has been declared complete (P21) while the other three case files are still under research by the public prosecutor (JPU).

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