KALIMANTAN - The Central Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda) will deploy 1,500 security personnel for the 2024 General Election.

"If later experiencing deficiencies, of course we will ask for help from the nearest Polda-Polda so as to meet security needs in the Central Kalimantan Police area," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Erlan Munaji in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Tuesday, July 18, confiscated by Antara.

Erlan said, so far the security and order conditions (kamtibmas) in the jurisdiction of the Central Kalimantan Police are very conducive. However, a number of preparations for the election on February 14, 2024 continue to be carried out by his side.

He added that the preparations were made considering that the stages of the election, such as closed campaigns and other activities, had started in October 2023.

"For all areas it is considered vulnerable, therefore his party will really prepare security so that things that become a concern for us together can be overcome properly and humanely," he explained.

The police officer with the rank of three jasmine said that the Central Kalimantan Police would update which areas were vulnerable points in the 2024 General Election.

"Later we will update it to the media crew, so that people know about it," he said.

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