JAKARTA - Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto views Indonesia as having one advantage as well as a weakness, namely its citizens who are sometimes too friendly with other nations.

Prabowo gave an example of how Indonesia could be colonized by the Dutch for hundreds of years. Starting with the intention of trading, the Dutch then colonized Indonesia in a short time.

Prabowo conveyed this in the grand consolidation of the Gerindra Party at the Jakarta International Velodrome, East Jakarta.

"This is an advantage of the Indonesian people but also our weakness. Sometimes we are too friendly, sometimes we are too good, so guests who come for a long time don't want to go home. First, he asked for permission or not, I trade here. We give permission. In fact, if we go to their country, we ask for permission, not necessarily given, "said Prabowo, Sunday, July 16.

According to Prabowo, the Netherlands and other colonial nations were tempted to come to Indonesia because the country has abundant natural resources. This, he continued, was supported by the friendliness of Indonesians to immigrants.

"We are given abundant wealth because our ranks are always wrapped by other nations. Why are they here? Do they really want to go on a picnic? Want a tour? No, brothers and sisters. Brande came here because of our wealths. Let's go Portuguese, come France, England, the Netherlands,aya, Japan, they didn't come home for hundreds of years," he explained.

From this colonialism, Prabowo brought up the dark history of the Indonesian nation. At that time, the people of the country did not have the right to be in their own country.

In 1978, Prabowo saw an inscription from the Dutch in the swimming pool in the Manggarai area, South Jakarta. The inscription writes a ban on indigenous people from swimming.

"I was surprised there were words in Dutch 'honden en irlander forbodden' meaning dogs and primers are prohibited," said Prabowo.

However, Prabowo asked the public not to hold grudges anymore. Indonesian citizens must continue to behave well to other nations.

"Let's not hold grudges. We are a big nation, we are a friendly nation, the teachings of our parents are good, the teachings of good kiai, the teachings of all religions in Indonesia are good. Don't hate, don't hold grudges. Even though we are insulted, I don't invite them to hate, no," he added.

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