JAKARTA - PDI-P DPP chairman Puan Maharani said the relationship between PDIP and the Gerindra Party was fine, including PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri and Gerindra Chairman Prabowo Subianto.
"I believe that Megawati's relationship, me too, with Mas Prabowo is fine," said Puan as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 13.
Therefore, Puan clarified and asked that the opinion on PDIP's relationship with the Gerindra Party, which was rumored to be arguing, be stopped.
"Don't let it politicize or make an opinion that the PDIP relationship with Gerindra or Mrs. Megawati's relationship with Pak Prabowo seems to be broken or then not familiar," he said.
On the other hand, Puan does not deny that differences are commonplace in the context of political dynamics. However, according to her, it did not become a barrier for PDIP and the Gerindra Party in the relationship.
"In the political dynamics or dynamics in the field, there are slight differences, it's normal, but in a family manner, in a friendly manner, in a good relationship, we are good," he said.
Separately, Gerindra Party Deputy Chairperson Budisatrio Djiwandono said Prabowo had a good relationship with Megawati, and he even called her family like.
"Mr. Prabowo's relationship with Mrs. Mega, which I know is good until now, a relationship like family. Pak Prabowo really respects Megawati and vice versa," said Budi.
He stressed that Prabowo did not have a relationship problem with the former President of the Republic of Indonesia.
"In small forums, there seems to be closeness between Prabowo and Bu Mega, so I don't think there is a problem," he said.
Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, previously said that Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto was ready to meet PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri if she had free time to receive her visit.
"Kita tahu Ibu Mega ketum partai besar, pasti sibuk menjelang pemilu begini. Ini kan lagi saat penyusunan daftar caleg ya, pasti lagi sibuk sekali dia, tapi kalau begitu dia lebih, Pak Prabowo siap menemui Ibu Mega," kata Habiburokhman.
Habiburokhman said that his party's relationship with PDIP has so far been fine. He even analogized the Gerindra Party's relationship with PDIP as a dating relationship.
"It's fine, if it's like in the past, people are dating, the status is fine, there's no problem, we're waiting for each other," he said.
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