JAKARTA - The National Police has uncovered a case of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) which has made two Indonesian citizens (WNI) victims. Both are used as commercial sex workers (PSK) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

"Divhubinter succeeded in uncovering the TIP case in Dubai with the Dubai Police and the West Java Regional Police as well as the Cianjur Police and the Indonesian Embassy in Dubai. Alhamdulillah, thanks to good international cooperation, PMI on behalf of Sisters Ida and Sri Pujayanti was successfully released by the Dubai Police," said Head of the Hubinter Division Inspector General Krishna Murti in his statement, Tuesday, July 11.

The disclosure of the TIP case is the attention of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. This is because the two children of one of the victims had uploaded a video requesting help on social media.

In addition, a police report (LP) was also received made by the victim's family to the Cianjur Police on July 4, 2023.

From there, the investigation team of the International Relations Division (Divhubinter) moved to investigate the report. Shortly thereafter, Cianjur Police investigators also arrested a field sponsor agency tasked with illegally recruiting and dispatching the two victims.

"The two victims are suspected of being used as prostitutes in Dubai," he said.

Based on the results of coordination with the Dubai Police, the suspect who made both of them as prostitutes was arrested on July 10, 2023.

As for the condition of the two victims, they are said to have been fed. They are currently undergoing health and immigration checks.

"The Dubai Police have found and arrested the suspect who is suspected of selling the PMI along with other victims. Currently, the victim on behalf of sister Ida has been secured in the Dubai Police shelter," said Krisna.

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