The flood swept away six residents of South Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra (Sumsel). As a result, one person was declared dead.

"The six victims were each three residents of Bayur Village and three residents of Lawang Agung Village, Muara Dua Kisam District," said Head of the Emergency Management Division of the South Sumatra Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Ansori in Palembang, Wednesday, July 5, confiscated by Antara.

He added that the six people who lived in two houses in the sub-district were swept away when the flood hit their settlements on Wednesday at 06.25 WIB.

According to reports from the South OKU BPBD team in the field, three of the six people who were swept away were known as Karno (60), Sarmi (50), and Toyib (30).

"One of them, on behalf of Karno, was found dead," said Ansori.

He conveyed that efforts to find residents who were reportedly swept away while the flood was still ongoing.

The search effort involved BPBD officers, Search and Rescue Offices, TNI, Polri, and local residents.

According to Ansori, the heavy rain that fell since early Wednesday caused the Are River to overflow and flood the surrounding area.

In addition to sweeping the two houses and families that lived in them, the flood caused two suspension bridges to be washed away and the coffee plantation belonging to the residents was inundated in Lawang Agung Village.

Ansori said that officers had set up emergency tents and prepared assistance in the form of food and medicine for residents affected by the flood.

In addition, according to him, officers were alerted to deal with the possibility of further flooding because the rain was still falling.

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