SANGGAU - Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto helped motorbikes to village development officer (Babinsa) Kodim 1205/Sanggau, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan.

"The operational assistance of motorcycles is certainly a motivation, so that Babinsa can further improve performance, especially in territorial development," said Commander of Kodim 1204/Sanggau Lt. Col. Inf Putra Andika Trihatmoko, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 5.

Andika explained that 40 units of motorcycles had been handed over to Babinsa, which would be used to support the smooth running of basic tasks in each region.

According to him, the official vehicle assistance was from the Minister of Defense to the ranks of the Kodam throughout Indonesia, one of which was Kodim 1204/Sanggau, who was the ranks of Kodam XII Tanjungpura.

Representing all ranks, Andika expressed his gratitude to Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto for paying attention to Babinsa in the hope of helping smooth things out in his duty to safeguard the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

He advised all personnel of Kodim 1204/Sanggau who received the assistance to be able to care for and maintain their respective official vehicles.

In addition, Andika emphasized that in driving the babinsa and their staff were always equipped with equipment such as SIM and helmets and other vehicle equipment.

"Take care of the official vehicle, make it a motivation to improve performance in carrying out the main tasks of the TNI," Andika said.

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