JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) stated that the settlement of the case at the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) should not injure the education rights of the students.

"That do not let the constitutional rights of citizens or students be injured. So that all the children of the nation who study can still learn," said Director of Early Education and Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) of the Ministry of Religion Waryono Abdul Ghafur in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 4, quoted by Antara.

Previously, the investigative team formed by the West Java (Jabar) Provincial Government recommended that the pesantren led by Panji Gumilang be frozen with permits.

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil also asked Al Zaytun's assets to be frozen along with reports of alleged illegal money circulation.

Responding to the recommendation, Waryono said that in the meeting, options regarding the future of Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding Schools were still being discussed, including freezing if it was proven that there were irregularities.

However, he said, the decisions that will be taken must still pay attention and not sacrifice the future of the students.

"Anyway, whether later (the students) will be transferred (to other Islamic boarding schools), or stay there, or slide a little, that's technical in my opinion. I can't convey it right now," he said.

Until now, the handling of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School is still ongoing. The head of the Islamic boarding school, Panji Gumilang, has also undergone an examination by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD emphasized the resolution of polemics related to Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding Schools through three approaches.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs explained that the three approaches were related to legal issues, problems with education administration, and security issues.

"Anyway, the solution is three approaches. One legal problem will be resolved by the Police, then the education administration problem will be fostered and monitored continuously," he said.

Mahfud continued, "Furthermore, security concerns, because there are social problems, there are political problems with a few of them, resolved by the Governor of West Java, Mr. Ridwan Kamil with the vertical apparatus."

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