JAKARTA - Residents' settlements in densely populated areas of Tangkit Street, Gang Ibrahim, RT 12/06, Tank Village, Tamansari District, West Jakarta, were scorched by the red rooster. Residents reported Kobaran aoi to the West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. on Sunday, June 25, morning.

"The object that caught fire was three housing units belonging to residents. The fire began to be localized at 06.50 WIB. The fire was then extinguished at 08.05 WIB. Currently the situation has been extinguished," said Head of West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Syafrudin when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, June 25.

The fire extinguishing process was carried out by 17 fire engines with the deployment of 85 firefighters at the fire site. The burned area object reaches 300 square meters.

"The cause of the fire was an electrical short circuit. There were no casualties or injuries from the fire. However, the owner of the house suffered material losses, estimated at Rp. 500 million," he said.

Meanwhile, from the testimony of eyewitnesses to the fire, the origin of the fire was caused by a house belonging to Mrs. Rike (51) which had a short circuit. The fire then spread to other houses.

"Three heads of families consist of 6 people affected by the fire," he said.

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