JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Java Province noted that thousands of residents experienced a clean water crisis. This is due to drought that has started to hit parts of Central Java.
Acting Head of BNPB Disaster Data and Communication Center Abdul Muhari explained that a number of areas that had been hit by drought, namely Kendalsari Village, Kemalang District, Klaten Regency. A total of 4,360 residents began to have difficulty getting clean water.
"As an effort to anticipate and handle it, BPBD Klaten Regency has distributed clean water using tank cars of up to 30,000 liters," said Abdul Muhari in his statement, Friday, June 23.
Reports of the two droughts hit the Bulurejo Village area, Mertoyudan District, Magelang Regency. A total of 234 residents had difficulty with clean water. BPBD Magelang Regency has sent clean water supplies of up to 10,000 liters.
Drought was also felt by 1,460 residents of Jabung Village, Banyumanik District, Semarang City. The Semarang City BPBD has sent clean water up to 10,000 liters.
"As many as 150 residents of Pojok Village, Tawangharjo District, Grobogan Regency are starting to feel a shortage of clean water. BPBD Grobogan Regency has distributed clean water up to 10,000 liters," he explained.
Based on weather forecast information from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), most areas in Central Java, the chance of rainfall is reported to be very low in forecasts of less than 90 percent or below 50 mm until the basis of July 3, 2023.
In addition, previously BMKG also stated that this year's dry season would be longer than the previous period due to the El-Nino phenomenon. In addition to drought, BMKG also said that this year's dry season could trigger forest and land fires.
In anticipation of potential drought during the dry season, Abdul Muhari appealed to the public to save and manage water use properly.
"In addition, residents are also expected to improve the environment by planting trees, building or rehabilitating irrigation networks, protecting available clean water sources and harvesting rain and water conservation," he said.
Meanwhile, BNPB invites regional governments that require support for filling reservoirs, lakes and reservoirs to propose a weather modification technology (TMC) operation to BNPB, which was preceded by the determination of the status of alert or emergency response for drought.
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