The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) invites Finland to participate in building the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan.

"Nusantara will be built as a city that focuses on happiness and well-being from its people, so we welcome cooperation with Finland which has a trademark as the world's happiest country," said OIKN Head Bambang Susantono as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 21.

Bambang welcomed the collaboration in building the archipelago as a sustainable forest city, a new paradigm in development.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Green Transformation and Digital OIKN Ali Berawi said the vision of the archipelago as a sustainable smart city is also an elaboration between the goals of Nusantara development and the high happiness index of its people.

"The vision of the capital city of Nusantara is as happy city with the realization of technological advances," said Ali.

OIKN together with Business Finland held a virtual business forum related to the development of Nusantara (IKN) as a smart city. This forum was attended by companies, city governments, and representatives of Finnish ministries, online.

Under-secretary of state, Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment Petri Peltonen said his party had a commitment to cooperate between Finland and the archipelago.

"We want to connect Finnish companies with the opportunity to participate in the opening of a new world-class nation capital project," said Petri Peltonen.

The forum also continued with intergovernmental discussions (G2G), namely OIKN, Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finnish Employment, Indonesian Ambassador to Finland, and Finnish Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia.

The forum was attended by representatives from Tampere City, Espoo City, Smart City Innovation Clusters, along with representatives from the company, including Nokia, Wroomrtsil Badminton, Kone, Helvar, and Sitowise.

The archipelago is the capital city of Indonesia in the future, which is stipulated and regulated by Law Number 3 of 2022. Located on the east coast of Kalimantan Island. The area of the archipelago is almost four times Jakarta, which is approximately 256,142 hectares and the sea area is 68,189 hectares.

The archipelago will change the orientation of development to Indonesia-centric, and function to accelerate the transformation of the country's economy.

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