JAKARTA - A number of students from the Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Law, University, August 17, 1945 (Untag) Semarang, Central Java, met with the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Dr. Moeldoko at the Bina Graha Building, Jakarta on Monday 19 June. Their data for comparative studies related to policy management and legislation at the KSP Office.

One of the focuses of S3 dissertation is a comparative study, which will distinguish or analyze between one another's policies. KSP always makes efforts to debottlenecking, this is the best place for us to learn and find knowledge, "said the Chancellor of Untag Semarang, Prof. Dr. Suparno, MSI.

Furthermore, postgraduate FH Untag students also want to know how the academic community can develop research related to several urgent laws and regulations but still experience obstacles due to dynamic discursus in society.

So that in the end, the appeal study program conducted on KSP is expected to encourage collaboration between the government and academics, for the establishment of effective policies or laws and regulations.

Based on Presidential Regulation Number 83 of 2019, KSP is tasked with providing support to the President and Vice President in controlling national priority programs, political communication, and managing strategic issues. One of these control functions is carried out through debottletracking efforts.

For example, KSP under the leadership of the Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko initiated the coordination of accelerating the ratification of the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS) into the TPKS Law (UU) in 2021. In the end, the legal product whose formation process has been rolling since 2016, experienced the acceleration of ratification in April 2022.

"The formation of the regulation is so complex. Many laws should be needed, but even not handled. For example, the previous TPKS Law has not been handled for 10 years and the PPRT Bill has been asleep for 19 years, no one has taken care of it. Likewise, regarding the issue of Islamic boarding schools that we know have power in Indonesia, but there is no law, "said Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko.

"KSP takes responsibility to go on the stalled bill, and civil society friends also believe in KSP," he added.

Moeldoko also added that KSP also carried out intense political communication with Legislative Institutions (DPR RI) and Executive Institutions (Presidents and Vice Presidents) to encourage policies that became people's aspirations.

In addition, according to Moeldoko, one of the advantages of KSP is to become a flexible institution by always involving civil society organizations in various efforts to resolve an issue.

Even KSP, said Moeldoko, always carries out President Joko Widodo's vision in realizing an effective form of government through the development of human resources, infrastructure, simplification of regulations, bureaucratic reform, and economic transformation.

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