JABAR - The Bekasi Regency Government (Pemkab) reminded restaurant or restaurant entrepreneurs to take care of licensing for a Healthy Like Certificate or Like a Sanitation Hygiene (LHS).

Secretary of the Bekasi District Health Office, Supriadinata, said that the management of the LHS is to provide safe certainty for public consumption.

"This certificate is very necessary to provide consumers with guarantees for the cleanliness of food and places," he said in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, Tuesday, June 13, which was confiscated by Antara.

Supriadinata said that there were still many restaurant and restaurant owners who did not heed the Health Office's advice on the importance of having a Healthy Worthy Certificate, including restaurants located in shopping centers or malls.

Even though the rules regarding the obligation to have a certificate have been stated in the Decree of the Minister of Health Number 1098/Menkes/SK/VII in 2003 concerning Health Requirements for Restaurants and Restaurants.

"The certificate was issued by the Health Office through various previous stages and assistance. Usually, restaurant or restaurant owners will install certificates or stickers that we issue near the entrance," he said.

The Bekasi District Health Office also continues to take a persuasive approach to make the public aware of the importance of ownership of the certificate for culinary business owners.

"Because this culinary business is always in demand, both local and outside. So restaurant owners must ensure food safety so that consumers feel guaranteed," he said.

Sub-Coordinator of Environmental Health, Work Health, and Sports at the Bekasi District Health Office, Samsudin, said the process of obtaining the certificate was relatively easy and culinary entrepreneurs were asked not to hesitate to take care of it.

"Advocate the application through OSS (Online Single Submission). The Health Service Team will check the feasibility of the place of business and the equipment used to process food," he said.

He appealed to culinary business actors, including home businesses and MSMEs, to take the time to take care of the feasibility of health in the food or beverage products made.

"The main purpose of the certificate is to protect consumers or the public from food and beverages that do not meet health standards that can cause diseases and health problems," he said.

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