JAKARTA - On the 19th day of the implementation of the pilgrimage, the number of Indonesian pilgrims who died in Saudi Arabia increased. Based on data released by the Integrated Hajj Information and Computerization System (Siskohat) of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) at 15.20 Saudi Arabian Time (WAS), the number of pilgrims who died reached 43 people.
Kadaker Mecca Khalilurrahman said that if there were pilgrims who died, what had to be done was report it to the hotel. Furthermore, the hotel will contact the Maktab and ask for a death certificate from the kloster doctor. The congregation will take care of the letter until the Certificate of Death (CoD) is issued.
"The majority can be prayed at the Grand Mosque if the family wants it," Khalil said, quoting from Antara, Sunday, June 11.
All management of the bodies, he said, until burial will be taken care of by the maktab. So, according to Khalil, there is no choice for the family to choose the time and location of the funeral, unless the great cleric dies.
Khalil said that so far no bodies have been brought to Indonesia because the process is long enough that it is not possible.
Meanwhile, based on data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) as of June 10, 2023, as many as 503 pilgrims underwent treatment at the Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI), while as many as 145 pilgrims underwent treatment at the Saudi Arabian Hospital.
In health services in the cluster, 12,880 prospective hajj pilgrims were affected by Ispa and 11,652 prospective hajj pilgrims experienced hypertension.
This year, the quota for Indonesian pilgrims is 210 thousand people, of which 30 percent of the total quota is elderly pilgrims.
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