JAKARTA - Secretary-General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani conveyed the idea of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto who is also the General Chair of Gerindra regarding the peace of Russia and Ukraine aimed at ensuring that food availability in the world, especially Indonesia, is met.

"Pak Prabowo thinks that not only about world peace can be maintained, but also about the certainty and availability of food in Indonesia that can be fulfilled. The war between Russia and Ukraine has also caused world fuel prices to soar so that peace must be created immediately," said Muzani as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 9.

He said the conflict between Ukraine and Russia has the potential to reduce fertilizer production in Indonesia because the two countries are the largest fertilizer producers in the world.

"Ukraine and Russia are the largest fertilizer producers in the world. Gas producers are the raw materials for fertilizers. The country exports fertilizers to world countries. As a result of the war, raw materials for fertilizer cannot be produced and all countries have a shortage of raw materials for fertilizers. As a result, fertilizer production in Indonesia has decreased, fertilizer subsidies have decreased, farmers are difficult, food ingredients have become expensive," he explained.

Previously, Prabowo while attending the International Institute forum for Strategic Studies (IISS) Shang-ri La Dialogue 2023 in Singapore, Saturday (3/6), submitted a number of proposals for peaceful resolutions to the conflict that has occurred following Russia's invasion of Ukraine since February 2022.

Prabowo submitted four proposals, namely a ceasefire at points of conflict, withdrawing troops from both parties for 15 kilometers to create a demilitarized zone.

Then the termination of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping force, and the implementation of a referendum by the United Nations in areas that Prabowo described as dispute areas.

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