The Indonesian government is exploring the use of information technology-based identity bracelets (IT) such as a global positioning system (GPS) in Indonesian pilgrims, especially the elderly (elderly), making it easier to find if they get lost or are separated from the group.
"I think the sign for the elderly is inadequate and representative, it is time to be given an IT-based marker. I think it should be implemented as soon as possible," said Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy on the sidelines of his visit at the Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI) Medina, in Medina, Saudi Arabia reported by ANTARA, Saturday, June 3.
Muhadjir conveyed the importance of innovation of IT-based Hajj services, based on identification, safety, security of pilgrims during the pilgrimage.
The application of this technology, he continued, is expected to improve the quality of services, identify the basic needs of the elderly (elderly), and unravel the annual hajj problems such as separate pilgrims from the group.
Muhadjir assessed that the implementation of this year's Hajj pilgrimage in terms of hajj officers was quite good by establishing an integrated post such as handling during the Lebaran homecoming.
"There are TNI, Polri, health workers, supervisors from the Ministry of Religion, there are journalists, this is important," he said.
This year and in previous years, Indonesian pilgrims had worn a Latin digraphical metal bracelet and Hijaiyah letters containing information; name, passport identity number, embarkation origin, and congregational maktab number while in Armina.
In addition to bracelets, Indonesian pilgrims are also equipped with a red and white card containing a barcode that can be scanned with the officer's Haji Pintar application. The barcode contains a full name, from the congregation, hotel names, and sectors.
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