Head of the Naval Information Service (Kadispenal) First Admiral I Made Wira Hady Arsanta stated that the entire crew of the Warship of the Republic of Indonesia (KRI) Teluk Hading-538 which experienced a fire incident around 11 Nautical Mike (NM) East Selayar Strait, South Sulawesi, survived.
"Alhamdulillah, all survived. There were no temporary casualties, the evacuation process for the entire crew was carried out to Makassar," said Admiral Hady, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, June 3.
The condition of the ship was confirmed to be like an operation towards the implementation of routine operations in the working area of Fleet III Command.
The ship carried 119 personnel, with details of 62 crew members and 57 passengers.
At the time of the incident, the crew of the ship was rescued by the MV Golden Ice and MV Grend Land who headed to Makassar who helped carry out the rescue.
"For the current condition, the ship will be pulled to the nearest land. The leadership of the Indonesian Navy has thanked the MV Golden Ace and MV Green Wave for helping the rescue. The rescue process went quite quickly for 30 minutes," he told reporters.
KRI Teluk Hading-538, one of the elements of the KRI ranks of the Jakarta Military Cross-Seatra Unit 1 (Satlinlamil 1 Jakarta) Military Sea Command (Kolinlamil) experienced a fire at around 05 37853 South Latitude-120 37995 East Longitude, around 11 East NM Selayar Strait or 7 NM Tg Tuesday, South Sulawesi.
During the fire incident, the Frosch-I/Type 108 ship was in the process of carrying out routine operations by the Indonesian Navy. So far, a team from the Indonesian Navy is investigating the cause of the ship's fire.
All personnel have now been evacuated at TB Bahtera Zalfa, who was passing at the crime scene (TKP). So far, there have been no reports of casualties.
A number of elements of the Indonesian Navy were also deployed to rescue KRI Teluk Hading-538 soldiers including KRI Escolar-871, KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda (SIM)-367, KRI Sampari-628, KRI Terapang-648 and KRI Tombak-629.
Efforts are currently being made for KRI Teluk Hading-538 to be withdrawn using a tugboat to the nearest land so that the Navy will then deploy a team to check the cause of the fire.
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