GARUT - The Garut Regency Government, West Java has prepared a team to carry out a trauma recovery process that befell the children of immoral victims of a home recitation teacher so that the victim regains confidence and lives his life normally. "We have carried out trauma healing for 44 participants, both parents and children of victims, and that is a therapeutic effort, to increase everything that is the burden of children," said Head of the Garut Regency Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection Agency (DPPKBPPPA) Yayan Waryana in Garut, Antara, Friday, June 2. His staff together with the Technical Implementation Unit for Child Protection and Women have received the report and checked, including meeting the families of the victims and children who were immoral victims. The next step, he said, is to provide services for trauma recovery for children and their parents so that they can regain their confidence and rise to continue a better life. "We are providing psychological assistance to restore their confidence," he said. In addition to recovering from trauma, said Yayan, his party also approaches and understands the principal, teachers, and other parties in the victim's school environment to accept them as usual. According to him, the school environment as one of the places where the victim's activities must be considered because there may be negative views, for that it is necessary to educate people in the school environment so that the victim's condition quickly recovers and activities as usual. "We will approach school principals as well as teachers and students to welcome them back to school, it is not impossible that the school environment will also provide an unfavorable assessment for children," he said. He said that in addition to trying to restore his psychological condition, the team from the Garut DPPKBPPPA also checked the health conditions of all children suspected of being victims of immoral behavior of their Koran teachers. For health problems, collaborating with the Regional General Hospital Dr. Slamet Garut, such as conducting a post-mortem including blood checks, urine tests, and so on. "Urine tests were carried out, blood tests were carried out to ensure the child was not infected with the disease, infectious disease," he said. He revealed the reason for the health examination of the victim, because in his case there had been sexual deviation, namely doing it to the same sex. Regarding the results of the health examination, he said, it was then submitted to the police as evidence to support the legal process against the suspect who is currently being detained at the Garut Police Station. "God willing, I don't think there are any abnormalities, abnormalities that show the child is infected, yes, and hopefully," he said. Previously, the Garut Police arrested a home recitation teacher because it was reported that he had committed an immoral crime, namely molesting his underage students, which is estimated to be 17 people in Samararang District, Garut. The recitation activity at the house of the perpetrator with the initials AS (50) has been carried out since 2022, then his obscene act was exposed after a child became the victim reported to his parents. Pengakuan tersangka modusnya hanya digis-wisting dan tidak sampai melakukan perbuatan yang lebih jauh, meski begitu polisi masih terus mendalaminya dengan melakukan visum terhadap korbannya. The suspect in his action also threats to commit violence and prohibits learning to recite the Koran again if he does not want to fulfill his desire. The suspect also often urges him by borrowing cell phones from his victims. As a result of his actions, the suspect must now languish in the Garut Police Detention Center to undergo further legal proceedings and be charged with Article 76 e in conjunction with Article 82 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection with a penalty of 15 years in prison, plus a third because there are more than one victim.

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