Getting To Know The Duties Of Confiscation Juru Di Pengadilan, Apa Saja Kewenangannya?
Court illustration (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - A Confiscated spokesman who served at the West Jakarta District Court was arrested on suspicion of a bribery case. This case has tarnished the name of the West Jakarta District Court as an agency that handles legal cases. So what is the duty of the Confiscation Officer in court?

The Supreme Court Supervisory Agency (Bawas MA) arrested OTT Juru Sita with the initials S at the West Jakarta District Court. The Sita spokesman was arrested when he was about to accept bribes and is currently being investigated intensively.

The Jakarta District Court's Public Relations Yulisar confirmed the alleged corruption in the bribery of the Senior Confiscation Officer in handling the case. However, he has not explained in detail the nominal amount of the bribe received by the Confiscation Officer. What are the duties of the Confiscation Officer in court?

Juru Sita adalah petugas yang bekerja membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan di Pengadilan. Juru Sita juga berperan sebagai penegak upaya paksa yang bertanggung jawab kepada dan berada di bawah koordinasi Panitera.

Juru Sita memiliki peran penting sebagai salah satu pelaksana tugas keperkaraan di pengadilan. Di instansi pengadilan, Juru Sita lebih banyak bertugas di lapangan. Berdasarkan Pasal Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1989 tentang Peradilan Agama, juru confiskut dan juru pengganti harus berstatus sebagai pegawai negeri.

In carrying out its duties, the Confiscation Officer must comply with the applicable code of ethics. Provisions regarding the code of ethics of the Confiscation Officer are contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 14 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Discipline.

Berikut ini tugas utama Juru Sita/Juru Sita pengganti di pengadilan:

Demikianlah informasi mengenai tugas Juru Sita di pengadilan. Seorang Juru Sita harus bertugas melayani masyarakat yang membutuhkan bantuan pengadilan. Juru Sita juga tidak boleh berpihak kepada salah satu pihak dalam perkara.

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