SURABAYA - Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti reminded President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who opened the faucet for dredging marine sand after 20 years at the moratorium on the initial purpose of issuing regulations in the form of government regulations.

LaNyalla said, if the goal is to reduce sea sedimentation, then in the field it must be consistent according to that goal. There should be no irregularities in the field due to spying between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and related officials with business actors.

Karena bunyi PP Nomor 26 Tahun 2023 jelas menyebut tentang pengelolaan hasil sedimentasi laut. Jadi titik pengerukan hanya di lokasi-lokasi yang memang terjadi sedimentasi laut. Jadi seharusnya prioritas di jalur keluar masuk port dan jalur docking kapal, tukasnya di selarang kegiatan Sosialisasi Dapil di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Senin 29 Mei.

Still said LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, the regulation also clearly states that the priority is for Indonesian-flagged suction ships. And the proceeds of sand are prioritized for domestic development supporters. Not for export priorities, although possible. But priorities for the country. So that supervision and sanctions for irregularities in the field are very important.

The senator from East Java also reminded that the PP should not be an entry point to explore domestic sea sand indiscriminately. Therefore, LaNyalla suggested that the government create a work map as a follow-up to PP No. 26 of 2023. Which is permissible, which one is not. Moreover, we are facing a climate change trend. Don't add potential to that by destroying marine biota," he said.

LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti asked the government to also listen to input from environmental activists, such as Walhi and others as positive input. So that implementation in the field can minimize environmental damage. So that it remains the goal of dredging marine sedimentation.

As reported, President Joko Widodo issued Government Regulation (PP) Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of Sentimentation Results in the Sea. The regulation announced on May 15, 2023, was issued as an integrated effort that included planning, control, utilization, and supervision of sedimentation at sea.

One of the regulations in the regulation is to allow sea sand to be exported abroad. This is regulated in Article 9 paragraph IV point 2, the use of sea sand is used for domestic reclamation, government infrastructure development, infrastructure development by business actors, and exports.

The government previously banned total sea sand exports since 2003 through the Decree (SK) of the Minister of Industry No. 117/MPP/Kep/2/2003 concerning Temporary Suspension of Sea Sand Exports. In the decree signed by the Minister of Industry and Trade Rini Sumarno on February 28, 2003, it was stated that the reason for prohibiting exports was to prevent wider environmental damage.

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