JAKARTA - Suspect Mario Dandy Satriyo expressed his regret for brutally molesting David Ozora until he was finally dragged into the crime.

This confession was conveyed by Mario Dandy when he was taken to the examination room at the Polda Metro Jaya. He was originally going to be extracted by the KPK regarding allegations of gratification and money laundering (TPPU) involving his father, Rafael Alun Trisambodo.

"Very sorry of course," Mario told reporters, Monday, May 22.

In addition to his regret, Mario Dandy also said that he would face the ongoing legal process.

Meanwhile, the case of mistreatment of David Ozora has been going on for about 4 months. One of the perpetrators, AG, has been convicted and sentenced to 3 years and 6 months.

"I'll do what's there," Mario said.

Meanwhile, Mario's legal process is currently approaching the trial. The prosecutor's team is examining the completeness of the case files made by Polda Metro Jaya investigators.

The Head of Public Relations of the Metro Police, Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, argued that the handling of this case took a long time. The reason is because it involves cross-professional.

"In the implementation of this case, it takes quite a long time with the collaboration of interfession and involves all professions," said Trunoyudo.

Trunoyudo explained the cooperation and collaboration of the police and other parties, of course, with a method that combines technical procedures combined with science so that the results can be accounted for later.

"Therefore, the process of handling the case takes a long time," he said.

Trunoyudo added that this case also uses the scientific method of criminal investigation (SCI) and is still waiting for the results from investigators.

"Of course this method is carried out SCI. The hope is the same, we are still waiting. In the near future, of course, we will convey it again," said Trunoyudo.

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