The Garut Police have prepared certified personnel for the manual ticketing of motorists who violate traffic rules on the streets of Garut Regency, West Java.

"There are 20 certified personnel, while others have started certification from the West Java Regional Police," said Head of the Garut Police Traffic Unit AKP Syarif Hidayat Law in Garut, Friday, May 19, confiscated by Antara.

He said his members were ready to carry out a manual ticketing operation which would take effect again in June 2023.

The readiness that has been carried out, he continued, includes preparing Satlantas personnel who have certified the da'ar or prosecution of violations as many as 20 people, and other personnel are in the certification process stage.

The law emphasizes that all personnel who have been certified have the task and authority to take firm action by providing a ticket for motorists who violate traffic regulations.

Previously, he said, in accordance with the instructions of the National Police Headquarters, his staff carried out the task of taking action against traffic violators by providing electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE) and no manual ticketing was applied.

However, in June 2023, he said, in accordance with the new policy, manual ticketing will be applied again for several forms of traffic violations on the streets.

"E-ticketing is still carried out, effective as well, but even more effective manual ticketing, only a few violations can be detected," he said.

He hopes that the implementation of the manual and electronic ticketing system can provide a sense of security, comfort, and order for the community as road users in Garut Regency.

So far, according to the law, since the electronic ticket was imposed, many motorists have ignored traffic regulations, such as daring not to wear head shields in front of police officers on duty on the road.

"There are also those who deliberately remove the rear number plate to outsmart the officers so that they are not caught by ETLE., later if there is a manual ticket, everything can be dealt with," he said.

He appealed to all road users to always obey traffic signs in an orderly manner to maintain safety on the highway.

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