PADANG - Unlicensed Gold Mining Activities (PETI) in Jorong Tombang, Nagari Sinuruik, Talamau District, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) caused damage to the river area. "PETI can not only damage the water quality of the river, but also cause damage to the river border, due to dredging," said Head of the West Sumbar Environment Agency (DLH) Asben Hendri, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 16. He said the dredged part had an impact on morphology or shape change in the river border, because it formed the hills of piles of excavated products. Regarding the impact of the water quality in the Batang Pasaman River, he admitted that the results of the testing of the sample had not yet come out. However, because the samples obtained when the control time there was no mining activity, it was not closed, the possibility of testing results were quite good. As long as samples were taken, mining activities were taken when there were mining activities using mercury materials. Water that could be cloudy due to mining activities could certainly have an impact on the quality of the water,' said Asben Hendri.' said As well as the Asben Hendri. In Jorong Tombang, West Pasaman Regency, he said, PETI activities were also rampant in other areas in Sijunjung, Sawahlunto, South Solok, and Dharmasraya.' This area will be our serious concern going forward,' he said. The West Sumatra Provincial DLH team also asked the regional government (Pemda) to provide more intensive coordination on the rise of gold mines in several areas in West Sumbar. After controlling Jorong Tombang, the Police Headquarters Team together with the West Sumatra Police formed communication and information forum Police through the WhatsApp (WAG) group. With this coordination, it is hoped that the control will not be cat-barry. However, there will be ongoing surveillance. After such control, the National Police Headquarters Team also asked the local government (Pemenda) to initiate gold mines that have permits and are not licensed in West Sumbar. Then the results will be coordinated with the West Sumbar Province ESDM Office, including coordination related to the

Because for this mining permit in the center. Meanwhile, the use of the river must have a technical permit from the regions. So it takes a long time to apply for this mining permit," he said. Asben Hendri assessed that PETI's activities would be difficult to eradicate if the community around PETI area received advantage of the illegal mining activity. But if the community around the river area has environmental awareness, then of course it does not support PETI activities in their area.

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